Having lived in China for quite a while, I’ve seen a lot of unusual things. In fact, many Chinese and foreigners get so used to weird occurrences and weird fashion that people just generally ignore it.
On my Instagram page, I try to provide cultural context for why things in China happen the way they do, by explaining some of the history, the culture or the language, and how these things influence behaviors or even fashion.
The page is not all about fashion though. It's anything that you can ask the question of ‘Why?’ or ‘How did that happen?’ to, with the general classic answer being ‘No why’ #nowhy (Chinese response) OR ‘because China’ #becausechina (foreigner in China response).
The general explanation for some of the fashion choices below is that:
- Any English = educated, different and fashionable. (it could possibly be a famous brand, but if no one’s English is that great… then just by having it… no matter what it is, it’s already good)
- Anything ‘profound’ is considered good. If you as an observer don’t find it profound…that’s your fault. The wearer is making a statement, and that’s what’s important.
- The wearer doesn’t have to understand, because others most likely don’t understand…so who cares. Even vulgar, rude statements can be worn by kids… because no one knows any different.
- If the actual piece of clothing is functional and comfortable, who cares what’s written on it.
- A haircut should set you apart from everyone else. Many people have very similar or standardized hairstyles (Chinese people are aware of that too) If a haircut creates conversation then that’s awesome.
Here are a few examples…quite a few of them, actually.
More info:
#2 I Do Feel Happy Now
#3 Masturbate your way to success!
#4 A Bit Of Nationalism Coming Out There...
#5 Let's Not All Live Like This
#6 That's... Taking Things To Extreme
#7 Need To Stop Feeding The Cat Vegetarian Food
#8 Because...they're Easy?
#9 Got Life Figured Out
#10 Pervert
#11 Danger
#12 I Just Don't
#13 Some Sweet China Style... So Fashion
#14 You Learn Something Every Day
#15 I Would Definitely Wear This.
#16 I Needed That Today
#17 The Pig
#18 Hipster Triangle
#19 Too Much Profoundness
#20 Does It?
#21 Wait, What?
#22 Bear Attack And She Survived, Good For Her
#23 No Carrots
#24 Good Advice, Rarely Taken
#25 A Bit Morbid, But I Wonder If I Can Get It In Yellow...would It Be Less So?
#26 Addicted To Black
#27 Feline Good
#28 Adidog
#29 School Ruined My Ufe
#30 Am I French Yet
#32 Leave Alone
#33 China Fashion
#34 Beat
#35 I'll Be A Plastic Toy
#36 Leave Me Alone
#37 Asia
#38 Hand Wash
#39 Don't Touch
#40 Sexy Style
#41 If You Think
#42 Make A Woman
#43 God Bless This Hot Mess
#44 We Can See That, So Fashion
#45 Good Point
#46 Aggressively America
#47 If I Ask Where You're Going, Will You Be Confused?
#48 Hey, If It's Comfortable, Who Cares What It Says
#49 I'm Not Leaving This Blanket
#50 How Old Are You? And Just How Drunk Are You?
#51 Your Banter Is Bulsh*t
#52 Viagra
#53 Kelme
#54 Worm
#55 Tommy Hullkigga
#56 I Apply To
#57 Follow Dreams
#58 You...
#60 Be A Warrior
#61 Iafk
#62 Yes, We Should
#63 Not Affraid
#64 Sometimes It's The Fashion By Itself, Sometimes It's How You Wear It
#65 Recent China Fashion
#66 A Difficult Life Indeed... But Worth It Perhaps?
#67 Well Sorry For Asking...
#68 Thank You For Not Swearing
#69 And He Knows It
#70 Chinese Culture Summed Up In A Jacket
#72 Untlthe Tears Younmotk
#73 I Ate A Rat
#74 Handsome
#75 Meow Wash
#76 Magic Gucci
#77 Under Surveillance
#78 Eceryday
#79 Property
#80 Shark Soup
#81 Beginning
#82 Way The Bridges
#83 So Many Cares
#84 Warning
#85 Beep, Beep!
#86 Thirstry Soil
#87 It Is A Success
#88 I Hate Girls
#89 Crystal Meth Huh? Interesting Brand
#90 Fair Advice
#91 Miss U, Hate You Mean It
#92 Doughnuts Of
#93 Pamn
#94 Supaocne
#95 War Sweet War
#96 I'm Batman
#97 Desigitp
#98 To Keep Smile
#99 Future Is Here
#100 More Than
#102 Are You Still With Me?
#103 Cabaret King
#104 Awesome
#105 Drug
#106 God Made Grass
#107 Very Profound
#108 Are...they A Couple?
#109 They Know What They're Wearing
#110 That's A Nice Dab Indeed
#111 Tell Me Something I Don't Know
#112 F*ck Off
#113 Less Stress More Sex
#114 Heart Breaker
#115 Dope Raincoat
#116 Stick To Style
#117 Just Say
#118 I Hate Explaining
#119 Danceoholic
#120 Surprise
#121 Pamu
#122 Soprome
#123 Trust
#124 Adventures
#125 Free Zone
#126 Not Found
#127 Strong As Rock
#128 Pink Freud
#129 Madness
#130 Builder
#132 Mind Ypur Own
#133 Don't Follow Me
#134 You Can Be
#135 For Money
#136 Pardon
#137 So What
#138 Baby Cat
#139 Do You Have Tangle Feeling?
#140 I'm
#141 So...
#142 I Know What I Need
#143 Boy
#144 Every Day
#145 Highness
#146 Love Is So Short
#147 Why?
#148 Your Girl
#149 Gold Baby
#150 Definition Of Music
#151 Kebab
#152 Stop Talking
#153 Co*kcole
#154 Stop Beeing
#155 I Love
#156 Happiiness
#157 Berlin
#158 You Are Gold
#159 Get You Sh*t Together
#160 Crap Your Hands
#161 Bullsh*t
#162 In Style
#163 Lovely
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