Bunny Born With No Ears Gets The Most Adorable Crocheted Sets From The Owner
Mimi the rabbit was born deaf with only three legs, and while she she may not be able to hear, thanks to her owner, she has a unique new set of ears – made of crocheted wool.
Rodajia Welch, 22, got Mimi through a fellow volunteer at her job where she provides basic pet care needs to low income and homeless pet owners in her hometown of Sacramento. “As soon as I saw Mimi I fell in love and couldn’t wait to take her home,” said Welch. Well not only did Welch give the bunny a new home but her two missing ears back.
The idea came from a name search said the California native, “Deciding to make the ears all started with finding her a name – it obviously had to be ear-related. So while doing some research my boyfriend Josh came across Kemonomimi, which is a form of cosplay where the characters have animal ears.” Thus the idea was born to dress Mimi up with her own set of cosplay crocheted ears, “It was perfect because she didn’t have any ears and she could be whatever she wanted to be.”
The three-legged bunny now has an impressive collection of homemade rabbit ears.”She only wears the ears after I’ve just made them for pictures, or when she’s sitting with me,” explained Welch, “She lets me put them on her but for safety reasons I don’t tie them in a knot so if she wanted to, she could just knock them off pretty easy.”
Scroll down below to see this adorable bunny all dressed up!
This is Mimi, she was born earless with only three legs

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