“There are 2 ways of spreading light, to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” This quote from
John Wharton often resembles the situation where you actually copy good deeds from people after watching them set the definition of humanity.
Here at
Apegeo, we always work on inspiring people by the examples set by individuals and organizations around the world.
1. “What’s up fellow superhero?”

© jjlew080 / reddit
2. When he got 2 lollipops he offered one to the photographer.
3. A traffic policeman fed a homeless woman who was too weak to eat on her own in India.

© gangbangkang / reddit
4. This gentleman gave his shoes to this lady when she broke her heels.

© Pen1five / imgur
5. “An elderly man in my neighborhood had a heart attack while shoveling his driveway. Paramedics took him to the hospital, then returned to finish shoveling his driveway for him.”

© optimoprimo / reddit
6. A wall of donated clothes for people who need it.

© BecauseTechnoViking / imgur
7. This hairstylist from New York gives free haircuts to the homeless every Sunday.
13. This college professor volunteered to watch the children of one of his students while she was taking her finals, after her babysitter cancelled at the last minute.

© claudiasu / reddit
14. I ordered food online and under the section for special instructions, I put “please draw something uplifting on the container, I just got dumped.” The result exceeded my expectations.

© HurryOnUpMeow / imgur
15. This guy went door-to-door at a local cancer treatment center, playing for those working toward recovery.

© u/Fsubilly / reddit
16. This guy, Christopher, was so overwhelmed meeting his favorite band, Maroon 5, that he had a panic attack and the entire band just laid down and hung out till he felt better.

© Kane / Twitter
17. There was a fire in my hometown this morning. No words necessary...

© emerkaza / imgur
18. After a woman was taken to the hospital with low blood sugar, 2 paramedics stayed behind to prepare dinner for the 5 kids who were still in the house. Afterward, they also did the dishes.

© fatos desconhesidos / facebook
19. This police officer handcuffs himself to a woman threatening to jump and saves her life.

© unknown / imgur
20. This boy got upset because he was in last place so his opponent risked his 2nd place spot to comfort him and they crossed the finish line together.

© unknown / imgur
21. A guy saves a kangaroo from flood waters in Australia

© m1lkq / reddit
If that wasn’t inspirational then we don’t know what is! If you think these people are doing good things, spread the word by sharing the article.
Preview photo credit emerkaza / imgur, Mark Bustos / Instagram
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